Airmont’s Deputy Mayor, who also serves as a Ramapo deputy building inspector and part-time court officer, was arrested yesterday at his home, stemming from a federal, county and local investigation into the purchasing of illegal gun parts. Rockland County District Attorney Tom Walsh says 47 year-old Brian Downey was busted allegedly purchasing a rifle suppression device over the internet. Department of Homeland Security agents notified the D-A of the delivery of the illegal device to his home on Edgebrook Lane in Airmont. Downey is charged with multiple counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon. During the raid on his home yesterday, local and federal investigators removed what the D-A called “an arsenal of weapons.” In a statement, Walsh said “Our community is without a doubt safer today than it was yesterday.” The investigation is on-going, and Walsh said he expects additional charges to be forthcoming. We reached out to Deputy Mayor Downey for comment, but did not hear back.