The Suffern-born, Emmy-winning actress Valerie Harper, best known for her role as Rhoda Morgenstern on the ’70s hit sitcom “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” and her own spinoff, “Rhoda,” died on Friday. Six years ago Harper was diagnosed with a rare condition that occurs when cancer cells spread into the fluid-filled membrane surrounding the brain. She was 80 years old.
Rockland GOP Pulls Controversial Video from Facebook Page
Less than 24 hours after it was posted, the Rockland County Republican party pulled what was panned by many as an offensive and anti-Semitic video off its Facebook page. The video suggested Ramapo Legislator Aron Wieder and the Hasidic and Orthodox community of Ramapo were planning to take over the county. The video was criticized by the state Attorney General and area political leaders from both sides of the aisle. Rabbi Justin Schwartz is the chairman of the Rockland County Illegal Housing Task Force, and said the video was “deeply disturbing” and called for the head of the Rockland Republican Party and those responsible for it to step down…
Rockland County Executive Ed Day said the video “set a troubling tone for a necessary conversation about over-development” and added “the content of the video is factual.” The video prompted Day to cancel a press conference he was going to have with other area political and community leaders about code enforcement. Rockland State Senator David Carlucci said the video attempted to create fear and division without solutions. Even the governor weighed in, calling the video disgusting and adding, “There is no excuse for anti-Semitism masquerading as concerns over zoning.” After viewing the video, callers to “The Morning Show” yesterday had differing opinions…
In a statement to WRCR yesterday, Rockland GOP Chairman Lawrence Garvey said it is not a religious issue, but rather about “the greed of a handful of elected officials.” On Twitter, Wieder called the video “shameful.”
Nyack Seeks RFPs for Memorial Park Foot-bridge
The village of Nyack is looking to build a foot-bridge across the inlet near Memorial Park. A request for proposals has been posted on the village’s website, the deadline is September 27th. Nyack mayor Don Hammond says it’ll be an ADA-compliant bridge that is part of the Memorial Park master plan…
Hammond says the village got grants for some of the nearly $400,000 project and work should begin in the fall. For more information visit Nyack’s website,
Blood Drive Comes to Spring Valley Sunday
The Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps in Spring Valley is hosting a blood drive Sunday. Robin Friehling is with New York Blood Center in Nanuet and was a guest on “Michael’s Gifts” with Roxanne Watson on Wednesday. Friehling says it’s critically important to have adequate blood supplies from human donors all the time…
The drive is being held Sunday from 11 AM – 5 PM at the Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps on Brick Church Road in Spring Valley. Walk-ins are accepted but if you’d like to make an appointment or if you have questions, send an email to All donors will receive a ten-dollar Dunkin’ gift card.
West Haverstraw Portable Toilet Company Faces Daily Fines for Stinking up Neighborhood
A West Haverstraw portable toilet company could see its business go down the drain if it doesn’t clean up its act soon. John-to-Go faces fines of up to $2,000 a day after Rockland’s health inspectors found they weren’t cleaning their facilities properly, causing a stink in the neighborhood. Town supervisor Howard Phillips says the landlord has been trying to evict the company from the premises…
One of the company’s owners told The Journal News he agrees the situation is horrible, and they are trying to move the company as soon as they can.