COVID continues to linger in Rockland, the death count rose four over the weekend to 985. We’ve got 25 hospitalized with coronavirus and 999 active cases.
First Human West Nile Case Confirmed in Rockland
Rockland has its first confirmed human case of West Nile virus. The patient has not been identified, other than it’s an Orangetown resident over the age of 50. Most mosquitoes do not test positive for the virus, but a bite from a West Nile Virus-infected mosquito can cause serious illness, and in some cases, death. West Nile symptoms include fever, headache and body aches, nausea, and occasionally a skin rash and swollen lymph glands. If you think you have symptoms of West Nile Virus, see your doctor right away. To learn more, call the Health Department at 845-364-3173.
NY Governor Signs Legislation to Let SNAP Users Get Meals from Participating Restaurants
The Governor last Monday signed legislation to set up a statewide Restaurant Meals Program for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. In a press conference, governor Kathy Hochul said the program would allow homeless, elderly and disabled SNAP recipients to use their benefits at participating restaurants…
Before it goes into effect, the SNAP expansion to include restaurants needs approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The governor also launched a $25 million program designed to help restaurants struggling with the ongoing COVID pandemic.
Rockland’s Holocaust Museum & Center For Tolerance and Education Celebrates Grand Opening at RCC
Rockland’s Holocaust Museum & Center For Tolerance and Education celebrated its permanent location’s grand opening at RCC yesterday. Museum President Paul Galan says since its founding over 40 years ago, the museum’s been a model that demonstrates how people should get along, and the new location takes that to the next technological level…
For more information about the museum and to find out how to take a group tour, visit their website or call 845-574-4099.
Public Transportation Schedules for Columbus Day
Public transportation may be a little different for you here in Rockland today as a result of the Columbus Day holiday. TOR, Monsey Trails and Hudson Link buses will operate regular weekday service, but TRIPS paratransit buses will operate ADA-service only. Coach USA Rockland Coaches will operate the current adjusted service, while Coach USA Shortline will operate Limited Service. The Exit 14 Express bus will operate Limited Service to Midtown and Wall Street, southbound trips at 6:00 am and 8:00 am, plus a northbound trip from mid-town at 4:45 pm have been cancelled. Clarkstown Mini Trans is not operating today. Metro North and New Jersey Transit will operate regular weekday service, as will the Haverstraw-Ossining Ferry. Go to for schedules.