The town of Ramapo will be hosting an information session with local
police officials to discuss the controversy that’s been swirling around
the criminal justice reform bill that passed with the state budget in
April set to take effect January first. The bill makes sweeping changes in
bail and other court rules that could end up with significant price tags
for local municipalities. Ramapo supervisor Michael Specht says it’s
important to hold the various meetings with the public and state
lawmakers, even if changes won’t be made before January first…
Rockland Sheriff Lou Falco will be among the participants in tonight’s
event, and he told WRCR last week he’s hopeful local state representatives
can fix the rules that shouldn’t be changed…
Falco and others agree there are some rules that could be changed, but
without the funding many communities will be hard-pressed to afford them. Two upstate lawmakers have introduced legislation to have the laws delayed a year, while western Ramapo and Orange County assemblyman Karl Brabanec has suggested a bill that would cancel the reform package altogether.