A Monsey man, an alleged member of the so-called “fire brigade” that’s been encouraging Monsey residents to call them instead of 911 or official local fire departments, was arrested last week and accused of interfering with fire prevention operations at a structure fire on Kaser Terrace in the village of Kaser on November 27th. Ramapo Police say 26 year-old Jacob Silberstein attached the Monsey Fire Department’s truck’s water supply line to a fire hydrant improperly and without permission, potentially creating a delay in firefighting operations, causing injury to firefighters or unnecessary damage to the structure. Rockland State Senator Bill Weber of the 38th District recently told “The Morning Show” a new state law may need to be created to prevent similar, non-official, so-called fire brigades from forming in the first place…
Silberstein was charged with Obstructing Firefighting Operations, Reckless Endangerment and Obstructing Governmental Administration. He was processed and released pending a future court appearance in the Town of Ramapo Court. Ramapo Police encourage residents to immediately call 911 for any emergency.