Pot sales in New York are about half of what they are in the Garden State, but both are claiming to have had record sales this year. Yesterday marked the two-year anniversary of the first legal, recreational pot sale in New York State, and the Cannabis Advisory Board expected to hit the one billion dollar mark by year’s end. While over in New Jersey, they claimed last week to have sold a billion dollars’ worth of pot this year alone, bringing their total since launching legal sales in April 2022, to two billion dollars. Rockland State Senator Bill Weber of the 38th District says a botched roll-out of the retail end of the marijuana law hampered sales at first, but he expects New York State to catch up in time…
New Jersey’s single biggest day of statewide sales was on so-called Green Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving Day, with sales just over six million dollars. That edged out the previous highest grossing day, April 20th this year, when sales reached $5-point-8 million dollars. New York has about 200 retail shops state-wide, while in New Jersey there are reportedly around 300.