Lots of finger-pointing starting to edge its way into the daily routine of coronavirus coverage. This time it was New York’s governor’s turn to bash everyone but himself and the other governors. In his daily coronavirus briefing yesterday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo took time to call out China and others he thought needed to do more before the alarm bells on the arrival of the coronavirus sounded. Cuomo called out “the alphabet soup of agencies” including the WHO, the NIH, and the CDC, and the intelligence community, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal…
Of himself and his 49 counterparts, Cuomo said “Governors don’t do global pandemics, right? It’s not a state responsibility.” The state has confirmed around 295,000 total cases of coronavirus across the state and more than 17,600 deaths. In Rockland, the state says we’ve got over 11,400 reported cases, and the Rockland Health Department confirms 494 deaths here in the county.