Rockland’s county executive is “guardedly optimistic” that the new Tappan Zee Bridge tolls won’t be soaring to the double-digits as once feared. Last week the state Thruway Authority proposed smaller increases that would go into effect by 2022. Rockland County Executive Ed Day says too many officials were trying to compare the Tappan Zee to other bridges like the George Washington or the Triboro…
Al Samuels, who heads up the Rockland Business Association, says the 10-or 15-dollar tolls were never going to happen…
The toll could go up to $5.75, but if you pay by mail it could cost 30% more. Rockland and Westchester residents who qualify would get a discount rate equal to the current $4.75 toll. The Thruway will hold public hearings next year before the increase could take effect.