Students from a college in Rockland are spending “Giving Tuesday“, that’s tomorrow, helping the folks at the “Keep Rockland Beautiful” organization. Public Relations students at St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, including Senior Reagan Prior, are hosting “#GivingTuesday Games with the Grinch” to raise awareness for the nonprofit…
Professor Elaine Winship is an Associate Professor of Communication Arts at STAC, and says instead of just learning about communications from books or the classroom, “Giving Tuesday” offers a great way for the students to apply their education and help a worthy cause at the same time…
KRB Executive Director Sonia Cairo says the students will present KRB educational games, free refreshments, a cup-pong tournament umpired by the Grinch, and various raffles and fundraising opportunities…
“Giving Tuesday” was born ten years ago as a day to encourage people to be generous to others. STAC is celebrating “Giving Tuesday” tomorrow from 1-5PM in the Romano Student Activity Center at its campus in Sparkill and it’s open to anyone.