Suez New York and the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland County are teaming up to teach Rocklanders about the biodiversity that exists right in our own backyard, and provide environment and money-saving green living tips and ideas. Suzanne Barclay is the executive director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland County, and says tomorrow’s “Sustainability Walk and Showcase” is a great experience for everyone…
Anne Barry is on the Extension’s board of directors, and says people can learn how families can have a positive impact on the environment…
Bill Madden of Suez New York says if you’ve never been to Congers Lake, the Showcase is a great chance to see it for the first time…
The showcase is tomorrow at 10AM at Congers Lake for all Rockland residents. The cost is $10 per person, kids are free, and there’s lots of activities, but pre-registration is required. For more information and to register click here.