There’s lots to do this weekend, and with the summer winding down, the weather will be perfect the entire weekend. Orangetown supervisor Teresa Kenny says if you haven’t been there yet, Saturday’s a great day to visit the Pearl River Farmer’s Market…
It runs tomorrow 10-2pm on the Central Avenue Field. Clarkstown supervisor George Hoehmann says today you can catch a lunchtime summer concert series from 12:15 to 1:45 in New City…
Over in Haverstraw tonight, supervisor Howard Phillips says you can catch a free movie at Bowline…
It starts at 8:30. Then tomorrow Phillips says you might be interested in the 14th annual RC Air Show hosted by the Hudson Valley Radio Control Club…
That’s tomorrow from 10am until 4pm at Haverstraw’s scenic river front park located on Beach Road across from Paul Piperato Haverstraw Bay County Park. You can park there, then take a shuttle.